Mini Gaming Con Swag

What do you do when all of your gaming conventions have been cancelled and all you want to do is play games with your friends again? Quarantine for at least 7 days prior so you can safely play with your friends of course. This was the most reckless thing I've done since at home lockdowns began but it was much needed for moral. I asked to be on the swag crew since I love crafting and figuring out good favors for parties. There were 4 of us on the committee and I learned how to do a few more crafts. 

Our host designed an official logo for our con. Isn't she cute. He was inspired by our hostess since the con was planned as a birthday celebration for her as well. 

We had a lot of fun planning and trying to make this con as close to a normal con as possible not just us going to a friends house. When you first arrived you had to check in and receive your swag bag and badge. Our group made an effort to make sure we had lists of attendees various favorite things. 

Our cricut products got a good exercise for this con. We used the heating press to put the logo on some bags to put the swag on. Another member of the committee printed and used her cricut to cut it out. We also customized water bottles for everyone to stay hydrated. There were stickers, game name plates, paper luggage tags and buttons all designed and created using it.

A dear friend of mine gave me her button maker awhile back and I finally learned how to use it with Zack's help. I made so many buttons too many in fact. There were logo buttons, boardgame buttons, mighty meeple buttons and who wants to talk boardgames buttons. I went crazy and was way too excited to contribute to the swag of the event. 

I wanted to play with perler beads. The hostess had some perler coasters and that inspired the idea to make a meeple coaster for each participant. I played with a rough draft and together the girls perfected the design even including an initial for our attendees. The hostess was excited about this craft and she finished it for everyone. 

I had found really cute mini dice sets and a potion looking holder that held the sets. I really loved the aesthetic of how it looked. We tried to pair off the sets with the attendees favorite color or personality. 

The other committee member has a family member who makes shirts and we decided to keep it  secret from the hostess. Everyone bought a shirt and they were the cutest things. We designated special day to actually wear our shirts for a group picture. 

 A few years ago at Spiel Essen I purchased a silicone Carcassonne mold and spent a whole day creating Candy Melt Meeples for my friends. They were delicious and I wish I had another mold to make the process faster.

Overall the four of us spoiled our group whom we love very much and spent some beautiful days together. 
What would you have included that we didn't think of?


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