New Year Resolutions

I'm excited to get this little blog going. I have been wanting to get back into writing and I happen to love boardgames. That being said this will be my outlet. It may be rough at the beginning so please bear with me. I'm hoping to improve my writing by sharing about the fun games Zack and I play with our gaming family.

This year I resolve to play all the games in the Hiwiller game collection that are not escape room, legacy or crime genre of games this year. Basically anything that is a one and done will not be included in the list. I was hoping to post the list in this blog but have not finished it yet. I'm going to have Zack, my hubby, look at the list and double check I didn't miss anything. As of right now there are more than 250 games but we've only taken 6 games off our list so far.

I also have a personal resolution and that is to take time weekly to write on this blog. Please feel free to bug me about this.

The rules for mine and Zack's Resolution:

  • No games that have only one play to them:
    • Legacy
    • Crime
    • Choose Your Own
    • Escape Room
  • We both have to play the game to take it off the list.
    • We do not have to play it at the same time.
  • We must play all the games in our collection that are 2P and up
    • This is in case we do not get to all of the games on our shelves
  • Games on the list do not include the upstairs kiddie/Glo games that are mostly party and old as dirt games.
  • We are not including expansions separately. 
  • New games added as of Jan 1, 2020 will not be added to the list
    • This does not mean we won't play the new games we get

I can't wait to play more games and share our experiences with you. 


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