TTC Thursday 3/5/2020

It was another good night at our FLGS with good friends. While I as there Songbirds, No Thanks and Glen More II were played. I did not play Songbirds but I did help a friend with some strategy for it before leaving to play No Thanks and then we took Glen More II off our list which makes me very happy.

Songbirds is a super cute card laying game. You have a 5 x 5 grid with special tokens with different values on them placed to the left and above the grid with the 4 different species cards above all of it. The bird that makes the most noise will get that token on it's species card. There are a certain number of cards shuffled and passed out per player count there are always some birds missing to create some mystery in what cards the other players have. The deck is made up of the 4 species of bird numbered 1-7 with the most adorable bird art especially the 4 of white. The rules are simple you play a card from your hand from the card in the middle of the grid at the end of the game you will have only 1 card left in your hand and like in Aarboretum that is the color you will scored. If someone else has the same color you still score that species but you add the number of your card to get your total points. The person with the highest score wins.

It look like Dumbo is playing Songbirds. 
This is the 4 of white a picture I took earlier this year when we first played it.

The first game I played myself last night was No Thanks. In this game you want to have the lowest score to win. Your points are the sum of the cards in our tableau minus the chips in your hand. In the game you have chips that you bid with for the top card of the deck but if you can make a straight then  the cards collapse to the lowest number. The first card in our game was a 29. I didn't want to initially take it so I put a chip on it as it went around one of my friends made a comment that whomever gets that card is going to lose the game. Since I am not known to win many game I took it with the extra chips just to let the game continue. I soon figured with the people I was playin with the that as smart because none of them wante to have anything to do with the cards near that number so I kept getting chips and building on my straight. I did take that 31 praying that the 30 would show up to the party and it did. I was able to collapse my cards to 27 and I had 14 chips so I own the game with 13!

I was so happy that we were taking another game off our list that I as such a mess in the game. I did not do well at all in Glen More II. We opened the 4th pack and I tried to utilize that expansion as much as possible but forgot to make sure that the tiles in my kingdom would build a good engine for building upon each other. I won't make that mistake next time as long as we don't wait 3 months to play again. 

The red boat was the only ship to make it back home. 

We have so many more games to play hopefully we'll play them soon


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