A night of 2P gaming

This is a quick post before bed. Tonight we learned 2 new games that arrived at the house this week. The first game we learned was “Man Muss Auch Gonnen Konnen” which roughly means you must give. In this clever little game you have up to 3 chances to roll 5 dice of different colors. Then you mark your cards that are in front of you. The card’s powers either score or have special bonuses if you unlock it with what you or your friends roll. On your turn you must be able to finish a card if you can’t then you get a chance which is either take a new card from on top of the deck or take 2 of your dice. You may set aside dice that you think will help. Whatever dice you reroll you must wait until the bother players have claimed a die to mark off their card then decide what you will do. We really enjoyed this game and the ending is triggered when someone buys their 9th card. (I forgot to mention that your cards in front of you are placed in a 3x3 grid.) After the 9th card is purchased you finish the round and then everyone gets an additional turn.

Here is a google translation of the box.

These pictures are from early on in the game.

In the last picture it has a spoiler to the second game we played tonight “Ore: The Mining Game. I enjoyed the theme of the game. I felt like Zack and I went on a mining adventure trying to have the better company. In the end he won by 3 points. In this game you are placing your workers in different mines or sending them to do little jobs around town like buy better mine carts, recruiting another man, finding contracts and buying or selling goods to finish contracts. The Kickstarter came with upgraded plastic goods that are very nice and fit on the contracts nicely. 

Here are just 2 of the mines there are 5 of them but Copper is not used in 2P.

Here is more of the board.

One of my miners.

A few of the buildings I built and my supplies.

One of my contracts.

It was a good night with Zack playing games! Goodnight everyone!


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