TTC Thursdays 2/27/2020

A few week ago a friend introduced us to a game called "Similio." It is a quick, deduction, guess who, cooperative game. Basically the clue giver looks at the top card of the deck and then pulls out more cards, not sure how many, shuffles them and lays them out in a grid for all the players to see. With the remaining cards the clue giver draws 5 cards with which they give us clues. The clues cards are either  placed normally in front of them or tapped (sideways). All of the cards in the deck have a name and fun caricature on them. When the card is tapped by the clue giver it mean that card has some sort of aspect that does not fit with the card that is the correct answer. Every turn the guessers have to remove cards from the grid in front of them that they do not think is the correct answer. It goes about 5 rounds and you have to remove cards until there is only 1. Super simple and fun. 

I'm a huge Harry Potter fan and mentioned I wanted to make an HP version of the game for a different friend group of mine. Well my friend got excited about it and made a version himself for us to play. I mention this because I played the HP version 3 times. We didn't win at all but had fun playing. It was interesting how we were using the information we already knew to get the other players to pick correctly. In each play made it to the 5th and final round only to pick the wrong one in the end. I feel very lucky to have such creative friends. 

After that we played "Tag City." It is a roll and write with a cool grid you can have fun with. Scoring is like "Noch Mal" where the first to finish a column, row or section gets more points. The game ends when there is no more points on the grid or there are collectively 5 passes of turns. I focused to much on getting a section worth major points that I didn't finish columns or rows very well and lost by a lot. I did enjoy playing with my grids though and trying to make it look like graffiti. Next time I'll take a picture. 

The last game of the night was "Finca." We played in another couple and with a new expansion. It is a solid game and I was so tired I did not play how I usually do and I won. I basically cornered the market on Tobacco. I can't say that everyday. It was late I got to use my brain and had fun. I have to apologize here to my friends again. I kept trying to skip their turns to do my turn since I was excited and really I don't usually know what I want to do in games where your decision may or may not help you in future turns. Oops hopefully next week I'll have more sleep.

Bonus plays tonight Zack and I took "Sagrada" off our list of games. I forgot how much I like this game. We also played with a new expansion as well. I don't know what it is called and I should be in bed so I'm not looking it up but it had beautiful glittery clear dice. I'll have to play it again soon and take more pictures and maybe I should have my own game spotlight one day. We'll see how this blogging thing goes.

Goodnight everyone I hope you get good games to the table!


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