TTC Thursdays 2/20/2020

I love my Tabletop Crew (TTC) and we play games on Wednesdays. I wanted to show my appreciation by sharing our gaming experiences. Once a week we gather at our gaming store to play games together. Unfortunately that night is Wednesday and I have a standing choral rehearsal that night so I usually arrive around 9pm and play until midnight.

Last night I got to play two games the first was a trick taking game called "Gorus Maximus." As in the name it was pretty gory as my friend who owns the game said it was adorably gory. He and our other friend were the only two winning hands the entire time. Every time I tried to mess with their hands I'd end up giving it to Zack and felt horrible. He and I were no where close to winning. I thought it was annoying and neat that you could change what the trump cards were in the game. It was annoying because every time I finally changed it to something I wanted it was switched again either in that hand or the next. I think if you like trick taking and take that mechanics you'll love this game.

The second game we almost finished was Heaven and Ale with the expansion. It definitely made it a bit crunchier. There is a new player track next to your player board and you deliver the ale you've been making. The little horse and cart are super cute. During setup there is a D6 that you roll and when players choose to land where the D6 is they get to take that many steps on the additional track. There is a hitch though at the end you have to deliver ale at the first gate every time you pass it. I was so close to being able to deliver 3 ales to get to through to the third gate but the store was about to close so we had to clean up. If you have never played Heaven & Ale you are monks making ale by using the resources of the land they yield in their fields. You go around the community board choosing resources then deciding where you will plant them. They do not produce until you have either surrounded a shed or scored the items. It is a solid game that makes you think hard about the decisions you are going to make. I'm doing a horrible job explaining this wonderful game so go ahead and check out what others have said about it or even a play through. 

I'm pretty tired but wanted TTC Thursdays started so enjoy the picture I took of the horse and cart from Heaven & Ale's Expansion.


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