Games to Play 2020

I'm always astonished by how many games we have and that I have played. Our home is pretty much a revolving door for games to come and go. Much to my chagrin Zack is pretty good at figuring out which games get to leave our home for a better one where it will be loved and which ones get to stay with us. I know there are the 10x10 lists to get to know games more intimately but that just seems like not enough love to go to the rest. We've got a ways to go this year and sometimes I feel overwhelmed but I believe we can do this feat of playing 300 games.

Finally I got off my bum and finished filling out the last little holes on the list today.I hope this works. My google sheet list:

If that didn't work here is a link to my list. It took extra time because I decided to include publishers, designers and player count on my list.

New Years Resolution 2020

I made a quick list of my games on here with just the titles. The bold games are only 2P so a reminder for me to actually play them with just Zack. I do plan on adding the dates of when we play the games as we go this year.
    Games to play 2020
  1. 1987 Channel Tunnel
  2. 7 Wonders
  3. Wonders Duel
  4. A Feast for Odin
  5. A La Carte
  6. A Study in Emerald
  7. Agra
  8. Agricola
  9. Alchemists
  10. Altiplano
  11. Anachrony
  12. Anubixx
  13. Aqua Mirabilis
  14. Arboretum
  15. Architects of the West Kingdom
  16. Argent
  17. Arkwright
  18. Auf Teufel Komm Raus
  19. Avenue
  20. Azul
  21. Azul: Stained Glass of Sintra (2/16)
  22. Azul: Summer Pavillion
  23. Baloon Cup
  24. Barrage
  25. Barenpark
  26. Baseball Highlights 2045
  27. Black Angel
  28. Bloqueo
  29. Box of Rocks
  30. Brass: Birmingham
  31. Brass: Lancastershire
  32. Brikks (1/4)
  33. Bruxelles 1893
  34. Bruxelles 1897 (1/4)
  35. Bubbly Pop (1/4)
  36. Burger Up
  37. Burgle Bros
  38. Cabo
  39. Camel Up
  40. Can't Stop
  41. Carpe Diem
  42. Cartographers
  43. Castell
  44. Castles of Mad King Ludwig
  45. Celestia
  46. Century: Spice Road
  47. Century: Eastern Wonders
  48. Century: A New World
  49. Circle the Wagons
  50. City of the Big Shoulders
  51. Claim It
  52. Cockroach Poker
  53. Codenames
  54. Codenames Duet
  55. Coimbra
  56. Colonists
  57. Concordia
  58. Container
  59. Cooper Island
  60. Counsel of Four
  61. Counterfeiters
  62. Court of Medici
  63. Cryptid
  64. Crisis
  65. Cronicle
  66. Crown of Emara
  67. CVlizations
  68. Dadaocheng
  69. Dead of Winter
  70. Diamant
  71. Die Crew (1/11)
  72. Dixit
  73. Dominion
  74. Doppelt so Clever
  75. Draftosaurus (2/13)
  76. Drop It
  77. Dune
  78. Dvonn
  79. Edge of Darkness
  80. El Grande Big Box
  81. Endeavor: Age of Sail
  82. Epic Card Game
  83. Evidence
  84. Factory Fun
  85. Factory Funner
  86. Fidelitas
  87. Fields of Arle
  88. Fincas (2/13)
  89. Firenze
  90. First Class
  91. Five Tribes
  92. Flick 'Em Up
  93. Flick 'Em Up: Dead of Winter
  94. Flotilla
  95. Food Chain Magnet
  96. For Sale
  97. Fortune City
  98. Francis Drake
  99. Galaxy Trucker
  100. Ganymede (2/15)
  101. Ganz Schon Clever
  102. Ginkgopolis
  103. Gipf
  104. Gizmos
  105. Glass Road
  106. Glastonbury (2/1)
  107. Glen More II
  108. Goa
  109. Grand Austria Hotel
  110. Great Western Trail
  111. Grimoire
  112. Gugong
  113. Hanabi
  114. Hanamikoji
  115. Hand of the King
  116. Hansa Teutonica
  117. Hardback
  118. Heaven and Ale
  119. Illusion
  120. Imhotep
  121. Imhotep Duel (1/30)
  122. Indonesia
  123. In the Hall of the Mountain King (1/1)
  124. Isle of Skye
  125. It's A Wonderful World (1/9)
  126. Jet Pack Joyride
  127. Just One
  128. Karuba
  129. Key Flow
  130. Key Market
  131. Keyflower
  132. Keyper
  133. Kingdomino
  134. Kingdomino Duel
  135. Klask
  136. Krass Kariert
  137. Ladies & Gentlemen (1/11)
  138. Land Unter
  139. Last Will (2/13)
  140. Le Havre
  141. Legendary Forest (1/2)
  142. Let's Make a Bus Route
  143. Letter Jam
  144. Lisboa
  145. Llama (1/11)
  146. Lorenzo il Magnifico
  147. Lost Cities
  148. Lot
  149. Lowlands
  150. Lyngk
  151. Madeira
  152. Magic Maze
  153. Maracaibo
  154. Marco Polo
  155. Marco Polo II
  156. Mea Culpa
  157. Milestones
  158. Millenium Blades
  159. Mini Rails
  160. Mint Julep
  161. Modern Art
  162. Mombasa
  163. Mord im Arosa
  164. Mountaineers
  165. Mr. Jack Pocket
  166. Mysterium
  167. Newton
  168. Nimble
  169. Nippon
  170. No Return
  171. No Thanks
  172. Noch Mal
  173. Nusfjord
  174. Obscurio (1/11)
  175. Okey Dokey
  176. On Mars
  177. On Tour (1/11)
  178. Orchard Ocean
  179. Orleans
  180. Paladins of the West Kingdom
  181. Parade
  182. Passtally
  183. Pipeline
  184. Point Salad
  185. Polterfass
  186. Porto
  187. Power Grid
  188. Power Grid Card Game
  189. Puerto Rico
  190. Pulsar 2849
  191. Punct
  192. QE
  193. Quacks of Quedlinburg
  194. Queenz (1/1)
  195. Quixx
  196. Race for the Galaxy
  197. Rail Pass
  198. Railroad Revolution
  199. Rajas of the Ganges
  200. Realm of Sand
  201. Riff Raff (1/11)
  202. Riverboat
  203. Roads and Boats
  204. Rocky Road A La Mode
  205. Rokoko
  206. Roll for the Galaxy
  207. Roll Player
  208. Roll to the Top
  209. Rolling America
  210. Round House
  211. Russian Railroads
  212. Russian Railroads: German Railroads
  213. Sagrada
  214. Saint Petersburg
  215. San Juan
  216. Sanfranito
  217. Sanssouci (1/30)
  218. Santa Maria
  219. Santorini
  220. Scythe
  221. Second Chance
  222. Sekigahara
  223. Shadows in Kyoto
  224. Sheriff of Nottingham
  225. Ship Shape
  226. Shipyard
  227. Sidereal Confluence
  228. Signorie
  229. Silver
  230. Silver and Gold
  231. Silver Bullet
  232. Skylands
  233. Sol
  234. SpaceCorp 2025-2300A.D.
  235. Splendor
  236. Sprawlopolis
  237. Spyfall
  238. Sweet Stack
  239. Symphony No. 9
  240. Tags
  241. Tak
  242. Take 5
  243. Take It Easy
  244. Tamsk
  245. Targi (2/1)
  246. Teotihuacan City of the Gods
  247. Terraforming Mars
  248. The Castles of Burgandy (1/4)
  249. The Castles of Burgandy Card Game
  250. The Climbers
  251. The Estates
  252. The Fox in the Forest
  253. The Gallerist
  254. The Game
  255. The Great Zimbabwe
  256. The Grizzled
  257. The Magnificent
  258. The Mind
  259. The Mind Extreme (1/2)
  260. The Palace of Carrara
  261. The Staufer Dynasty
  262. The Taverns of Tiefenthal (1/2)
  263. Three Kingdoms
  264. Tichu
  265. Ticket to Ride: Europe
  266. Ticket to Ride: London
  267. Ticket to Ride: New York
  268. Tintas
  269. Tiny Towns
  270. Tokyo Highway
  271. Trajan
  272. Trickerion
  273. Trismegistus
  274. Tumbling Dice
  275. Tussie Mussie
  276. Twilight Struggle
  277. Tzaar
  278. Tzolkin
  279. U.S. Telegraph
  280. Underwater Cities (2/12)
  281. Urbino
  282. Veggie Garden
  283. Viceroy
  284. Village
  285. Vinhos
  286. Viticulture
  287. Watergate
  288. Wavelength
  289. Welcome To
  290. Welcome to Centerville
  291. Welcome to the Dungeon
  292. Wendake
  293. Wildcatters
  294. Wingspan
  295. Wits and Wagers
  296. Yinsh (2/15)
  297. Yokohama
  298. Zero
  299. Zertz
  300. Zhanguo


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