Getting Ready for Dice Tower Con 2019

It's one of my favorite times of year. It's Dice Tower Con time!!! Dice Tower Con(DTC) is a tabletop gaming convention where you pay one fee to play any game you see for 5 days. It's the best! They have a hot game section where you can try out games that have come out usually in the past year or is even about to come out. They also have a huge game library where you checkout a game, play it and then return it. It is a great way to try a game you think you want but not sure if you want to spend the money on it. If you need more players or even someone to teach you just ask in the app or grab a sign and put it on your table. They also have a flea market and virtual flea market so if you are looking to find or give new homes for games.

Getting Ready for DTC includes:

  • Keeping Track of what we have sold and bought from the virtual flea market 
  • Pack the games not sold in the virtual flea mark for the physical flea market
  • Make nerdy earrings
  • Pack 5 days worth of clothing that is transitional from Florida July HOT to inside Convention Freezing. 
  • Find a home for our dog for 5 days
  • Figure out who is actually staying in the suite with us
  • Go shopping for provisions for the suite
  • Try to fit it all in one car

Pictured below are our provisions and packed games for both flea markets. I hate seeing games go but as people post on message boards all the time it is about giving the games to happier homes where they will be played more. 

Last year my Husband told me to sell my earrings at DTC and it was big hit. I'm very excited to share these because all my studs are metal free. They are made with plastic backs and glue. Next year I think I'll add them to the Virtual Flea Market as well.

We have an amazing gaming group and some of us stay at the hotel. Last year we all took turns cooking dinner. The cook usually missed out on gaming so this year we all decided to cook our meals beforehand casserole or crock pot style. I have assembled a Shepherd's Pie recipe I found on Pinterest that has always been yummy. It's ready to be cooked on Wednesday.

I think this year is going to be great and I can't wait to share what I've played with y'all.


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