Friendly Game Night

Last night I had the pleasure of taking a bunch of games to introduce to some friends on vacation. I brought a full gaming backpack and we played 5 games. I have to note that I do not like teaching games. I'm working on it so that I don't hate doing it as much as I do. 

We started the day off with Ticket To Ride: New York. Ticket To Ride: Europe was one of my gateway drugs into the hobby and it doesn’t quite make it to the table as often as I’d like so TTR:NY is perfect for a quick fix of a game I love. We even got to play it twice.
One of my friends. 

Next we played Draftosaurus and I forgot to snag a picture of our game play but I had to document that my friend won the first game we played of it. I love this game and it is quick filler. I’ll definitely go into more depth about this game in another post. 

After that we played On Tour which is a fan favorite of our Wednesday tabletop crew. It is always a hot mess the first game then you just figure it out and still mess up. We enjoyed it tonight. I did miss watching my friends as they played. They circled every city not just the ones on the cards so we only scored the route. 

We got in two games of King of Tokyo. It was fun picking which monster to play as. We enjoyed  attacking each other and the city. 

Then I attempted to teach Realm of Sand and that was a little rough. I had only played it once before and had to call my husband to verify something important in the rules. We got through it and I played horribly but my friends did well. It was too late to try that with them. 

Overall the night was a fun one filled with games. It was fun introducing my friends to games they have never heard of.

I promise to get out my Dice Tower Con Post soon. I just played so many games there and want to share it all with you.


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